Lecturer workload (BKD) is an illustration of the SKS load of lecturers carrying out the Tri Dharma in the next semester with the main elements consisting of education and teaching, research and community service. This lecturer's workload needs to be reported periodically to get an overview of the real performance of the lecturer in implementing the Tri Dharma in the count of credits for the last one semester that has been undertaken, where the limit of the credit range is at least commensurate with 12 (twelve) credits and a maximum of 16 (sixteen) credits. in each semester according to their academic qualifications. The number of credits reported is the maximum value while the final value is determined by the assessor. BKD Reporting at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Jakarta has implemented online reporting for all lecturers by accessing the http://remunerasi.unj.ac.id page by using the account of each lecturer to input the workload of their lecturers. For lecturers who meet the requirements according to regulations, they will get a professional allowance every month as compensation for carrying out the lecturer's workload.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System;
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers;
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education;
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 2009 concerning Lecturers;
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2013 concerning National Education Standards;
Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2013 concerning Lecturer Functional Positions and Credit Scores;
Permendikbud No. 92 of 2014 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Credit Scores for Lecturer Functional Positions
Permenristekdikti No. 44 of 2015 concerning National Higher Education Standards
Permenristekdikti No. 2 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 26 of 2015 concerning Registration of Educators in Higher Education
Permenristekdikti No. 100 of 2016 concerning the Establishment, Amendment, Dissolution of PTN, and the Establishment, Amendment, Revocation of PTS Permits.
Permenristekdikti No. 20 of 2017 concerning Lecturer's Professional Allowance and Professor's Honorary Allowance;
Permenristekdikti Number 51 of 2017 concerning Educator Certification for Lecturers.
BKD UNJ Technical Instructions please download here: BKD TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS.