Muara Gembong is the most remote sub-district in Bekasi Regency and is directly adjacent to the Java Sea in the north and Jakarta Bay in the west. Muara Gembong District comprises six villages: Pantai Harapan Jaya Village, Pantai Mekar Village, Pantai Sederhana Village, Pantai Bakti Village, Pantai Bahagia Village, and Jaya Sakti Village. One of the villages that has the largest population in Muara Gembong District is Pantai Mekar Village.
Five groups of lecturers and students of the Family Welfare Education Study Program held education and outreach to the local community. There are five themes raised, namely:
- Empowering Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Actions in Increasing Family Resilience in Muara Gembong
- Optimizing Child Development in the Golden Age through Training of Trainers Measurement and Assessment of Child Development in Pantai Mekar Village
- Application of Herbal Plant Gardens in Home Yards to Maintain Family Immunity in Pantai Mekar Village Communities
- Increasing Tourism Awareness of Tourism Drivers in Tourism Development in Pantai sSderhana Village
- Office Spatial Planning to Improve Employee Performance in Muara Gembong District
This community service activity was carried out on August 12, 2022, in the Muara Gembong District Office hall, the Pantai Mekar Village Office hall, and the Tourism Awareness Group room. The activity was opened by the village head of Pantai Mekar, Mr Dahlan, and continued with a presentation session on material from each group.
Empowering Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Actions in Increasing Family Resilience in Muara Gembong
Lecturers of the Family Welfare Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Vania Zulfa, Prastiti Laras Nugraheni, and Hurriyyatun Kabbaro, encourage the community in Muara Gembong to take climate change mitigation actions through household waste management to increase family resilience. This activity consists of 3 stages: socialization of climate adaptation and mitigation, training on composting and local micro-organisms, and planting several trees in pots made of recycled plastic waste.
Optimizing Child Development in the Golden Age through Training of Trainers Measurement and Assessment of Child Development in Pantai Mekar Village
Families need assistance from cadres in optimizing children’s development, especially during the golden age. Unfortunately, not all PKK cadres know how to measure and assess children’s developmental achievements. Whereas the measurement and assessment results of child development are the basis for determining the right parenting style. So there needs to be training for PKK cadres regarding the measurement and development of children so that families or parents can provide the right parenting style and support optimal child development. The solution to overcome this problem is to optimize the development of children in the golden age through Training of Trainers to measure and assess child development in Pantai Mekar Village, Muara Gembong District, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province.
The ToT activities targeted by Maya Oktaviani, Uswatun Hasanah, and Elmanora were PKK cadres. The ToT for PKK Cadres is carried out to provide PKK cadres trained in measuring and assessing child development. These trained PKK cadres are expected to be able to assist families in optimizing children’s development, especially in the golden age. The implementation of training for cadres is considered effective in increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres in carrying out child development measurements. Several community service activities have proven the success of conducting research in increasing cadres’ knowledge and skills in detecting early childhood development.
Application of Herbal Plant Gardens in Home Yards to Maintain Family Immunity in Mekar Beach Village Communities
Shinta Doriza and Hamiyati encouraged the people of Muara Gembong to use their yard to be used as a garden for herbal plants. This is useful for maintaining the body’s immune system and can be beneficial for family food security on an ongoing basis.
Increasing Tourism Awareness of Tourism Drivers in Tourism Development in Pantai Sederhana Village
Presentation of tourism awareness material by Jaka Marsita and Muhammad Faesal to the youth group of Karang Taruna Village, Pantai Simplified Village, Muara Gembong District in the context of implementing the P2M program for the PKK study program, Universitas Negeri Jakarta in 2022.
Office Spatial Planning to Improve Employee Performance in Muara Gembong District
Each district has an office. The office is an essential aspect in supporting employee performance, and an office arrangement describes how the employee works in his daily life. To improve the work of employees in Muara Gembong District, it is necessary to be given intensive training on “Office Spatial Planning to Improve Employee Performance in Muara Gembong District, Bekasi Regency, West Java”. This training was provided through Community Service Program PKK-FT-UNJ with Nurlaila Abdullah Mashabi as the resource person.