Green Campus is a concept that aims to create an environmentally friendly campus infrastructure. It is hoped that this can increase the awareness and concern of the academic community to participate and be responsible for reducing global warming. Through collaborative research between lecturers and students, the Faculty of Engineering tries to be a pioneer in supporting a green campus.

The electric car, named elcara-0108, is the result of a collaboration between students of the Electronic Engineering Education Study Program, students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, and lecturers. The elcara-0108 design was completed in 2 months, while assembly took up to 6 months. This 532 kg car uses a 10kW BLDC electric motor with an 8kAh battery air cooler. Equipped with a 500Wh Solar Grid Panel for Hybrid Charging System, this car carries the motto “the more jammed, the more powerful it is.” Do not forget that a Smart Key RFID feature makes this car safe to use in limited or open areas. Elcara-0108 has a capacity of 8 passengers, so it is very suitable to be used as a shuttle or feeder bus.

On Friday (10/06), the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Uswatun Hasanah, M.Si, and the Chancellor of the Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si launched this innovative engineering work. The launch activity was held in the Rector’s Lobby and was attended by leaders within UNJ. At this event, an electric bicycle was also launched. These electric cars and bicycles have not yet been mass-produced. However, we hope that there will be an increase in more futuristic features based on the evaluation results at this trial stage.