Distance learning is a teaching and learning process where students and educators are in separate locations and require an interactive telecommunication system to connect the two. Since the Covid-19 pandemic and a circular letter from the government, Jakarta State University, especially the Faculty of Engineering, has conducted distance learning (PJJ). Currently, Jakarta State University is developing one of the distance learning media that can be used by lecturers at Jakarta State University, namely through the Learning Management System (LMS). Developments will continue to be carried out so that learning using the LMS UNJ becomes more leverage to be utilized by most UNJ lecturers and students. It is hoped that the UNJ LMS can be used simultaneously by all lecturers in the UNJ environment. In the 2021/2022 Academic Year in semester 115, all lecturers can use the LMS UNJ for learning. For this reason, the Faculty of Engineering held training on the use of LMS for lecturers.
This activity was held on Wednesday, August 18, 2021 through the Zoom Meeting application. Starting with the opening by the MC, Mrs. Vania Zulfa, M.Pd. Then continued with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mrs. Dr. Uswatun Hasanah, M.Sc. In today’s activity, Dr. Cecep Kustandi, M.Pd as resource person. He is the Coordinator of the LPPP UNJ Learning Resource Center. In simulating the making of material on LMS UNJ, he was assisted technically by Abdul Jalil Mahyudin, S.Pd. The material presentation and question and answer session was moderated by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Imam Basori, MT.
Guidelines for using LMS for lecturers and students can be read in the following file.
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