Pelindo, through its Social and Environmental Responsibility Program, provides scholarships to outstanding students at various universities in Indonesia, one of which is the State University of Jakarta. The Pelindo Champion Scholarship is given as tuition assistance for 5th or 7th-semester students with a minimum GPA of 3.00 who have passed the selection. At the Universitas Negeri Jakarta, five students managed to get this scholarship, including Fahriyan Sakhi Fauzi, Yogi Rahmadhani, Taufiq Adhi Nugroho, Pidwie Asysyifa Armuqarabin, and Novandu Rio Armanda. These five students are from the Applied Undergraduate Port Management and Maritime Logistics program.
On Thursday, August 10, 2022, a symbolic award of scholarships will be held. This activity was attended by the dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the Coordinator of the Applied Undergraduate Study Program in Port Management and Maritime Logistics, scholarship recipient students, and the HR, General & KBL (Cooperation and Environmental Development) Manager of Pelindo.
The activity began with prayer and singing Indonesia Raya. Followed by remarks from the Vice Dean II of the Faculty of Engineering, Drs. Pitoyo Yuliatmojo, MT and the Manager of HR, General & KBL Pelindo Regional 2 Sunda Kelapa Port, Ceppy Maulana. In his remarks, Ceppy said that for the education sector, Pelindo also paid attention to the competence of students, lecturers, and teachers who were supported by several programs other than this scholarship.
Pelindo symbolically handed over scholarships to five students, followed by the handing over of placards from the Faculty of Engineering to Pelindo. With this scholarship, it is hoped that students will excel and be motivated in carrying out their responsibilities to the environment.