Since it opened on June 23, 2022, Faculty of Engineering lecturers and students have worked together to conduct community service activities in Muara Gembong. In 2022, Muara Gembong will become a target area for the Faculty of Engineering to implement this activity. This is by the Cooperation Agreement agreed between Dr. Uswatun Hasanah, M.Si as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering with Lukman Hakim as the Head of Muara Gembong Sub-district. Lecturers and students from 20 study programs at the Faculty of Engineering carry out community service activities. This activity is expected to have a direct impact that is beneficial to the community in the target area.
The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering officially closed this series of activities on August 12, 2022. The closing activity was carried out in the hall of the Muara Gembong District. The Head of the Economic and Development Section, Aulia, hopes this cooperation can continue for years. The people of Muara Gembong look forward to useful activities like this in the future. This activity was also attended by Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Imam Basori, MT, Village Head of Pantai Sederhana, and representatives from Pantai Mekar Village.