- Overview
Mechanical Engineering Vocational Education Study Program is a study program under the study program unit of the Faculty of Engineering of Universitas Negeri Jakarta with graduate profiles as Vocational School Educators, Management Trainers and Entrepreneurs.
- Vision
To become an excellent study program in the field of Mechanical Engineering Vocational Education that is innovative and competitive based on technopreneurship at the National Level
- Mission
- To improve the quality of learning process;
- To align learning outcomes with the development of Science and Technology;
- To develop an assessment system based on graduate quality assurance;
- To improve the quality of facilities and infrastructure;
- To generate graduates who are virtuous, have integrity, and have entrepreneurial insight;
- To improve the quality of lecturers and academic staff;
- To increase diversification of funding and financing sources;
- To improve the quality of management;
- To develop and disseminate Science and Technology through Research;
- To develop and disseminate Science and Technology through Community Service;
- To develop partnership networks with stakeholders
- Study Program Objectives
- To generate graduates who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty, have noble character, and have a steady, stable, mature, wise and authoritative personality, so as to become role models for students; graduates who are independent and responsible for the development of their profession, their students, their work environment, society and the nation.
- To generate graduates who have the ability to become educators who have competence in terms of: (a) understanding the development of students; (b) planning the lessons in the field of engineering; (c) carrying out the learning process properly; and (d) being able to carry out an evaluation of the learning process in accordance with the character of the materials in the mechanical engineering field.
- To generate graduates who have competence as educators who are part of the community to communicate and interact effectively with students, fellow educators, academic staff, parents/guardians of students and the surrounding community.
- To generate graduates who have the ability to analyze the basic concepts, principles, and theories of science and technology and their application in the field of mechanical engineering.
- To generate graduates who have the ability to analyze the concepts, principles, and basic theories of mechanical engineering and their application in addressing the problems in the society.
- To generate graduates who have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to produce strategic knowledge and cognitive and contextual tasks in the fields of: (a) automotive engineering; (b) machining production engineering; (c) construction and design of machinery; and (d) material production.
- Graduate Profile
Graduate profiles of the study program are as follows:
- Mechanical Engineering Vocational Educators.
- Management Trainers.
- Entrepreneurs.