The implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) which is still in effect due to the Covid-19 pandemic has not discouraged SMK students from continuing to study. By utilizing existing technology, students of SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat have the competency of Building Modeling and Information Design (DPIB) skills to participate in online Field Work Practices (PKL). This online street vendor activity is a collaboration with community service activities which are carried out every year by lecturers in the Civil Engineering group. A total of 160 class XI students participated in online street vendors for 2 months. The activity is carried out from Monday – Friday at 07.30 – 09.00 WIB. Every day these students get material from lecturers in the Building Engineering Education Study Program and the Civil Engineering D3 Study Program, and are assisted by the students as trainers. Within 2 months, the participants received materials related to working drawings, field mapping, cost estimation, work supervision, and the practice of using Building Information Modeling (BIM)-based software.
There were 14 lecturers, 9 students as trainers, 37 students as committee members, and 6 teachers who participated in this series of activities. At the opening of the online street vendor activity, Mr. Rochmad Wahyudi, S.Pd, as the head of the DPIB expertise competency at SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat expressed his gratitude to all the lecturers and students who have been involved in this activity. Apart from the SMK, present to give a speech and open the activity, Mr. Dr. Imam Basori, M.T, as Deputy Dean I of the Faculty of Engineering. As for the closing of the activity, the head of SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat, Mr. Drs. Bambang Nurcahyo, expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation to the Civil Engineering Clump of UNJ because with the online PKL activity in collaboration with this community service activity, the students of DPIB SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat are increasing their knowledge and skills. He is also very grateful that not all vocational schools can hold this kind of activity and hopes that in the future collaboration between universities and vocational schools can continue to be carried out.
The resource persons who participated in this activity were:
- Rosmawita Saleh, M.Pd and Sittati Musalamah, M.T delivered the material “Introduction to Types of Construction Drawings (Shop Drawing, As Built Drawing, and Detail Shop Drawing)”
- R. Eka Murtinugrah, M.Pd, Drs. Prihantono, M.Eng, and the team delivered the material on “Field Mapping Procedures”
- Tri Mulyono, M.T and the team delivered the material “Field Mapping Measurement Data Processing”
- Lenggogeni, M.T and Adhi Purnomo, M.T delivered the material “Volume and Estimation of Construction Costs”
- M. Agphin Ramadhan, M.Pd, Drs. Arris Maulana, M.T, and the team delivered the material “BIM Architecture”
- Ir. Erna Septiandini, M.T, Drs. Doddy Rochadi, M.Pd, and the team delivered the material “BIM Structure”
- Kusno Adi Sambowo, S.T.Ph.D, Ririt Aprilin S. M.Sc.Eng, and the team delivered the material “BIM Geometric Road”
- Dr. Ir. Irika Widiasanti and Dr. Santoso Sri Handoyo, M.T delivered the material on “Construction Project Field Supervision”
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