Building Engineering Education

Studium Generale and Forum Group Discussion

On Friday, July 15, 2022, the Building Engineering Education study program carried out the Studium Generale and FGD activities. This activity is one of a series of Internship Program – French Students 2nd Session.
The Studium Generale and FGD activities carried the theme of Bridge Construction Development in Indonesia which was filled by Prof. Dr. Ir. Iswandi Imran, M.ASc., Ph.D, he is a professor at the Bandung Institute of Technology. The Studium Generale and FGD activities were carried out online and offline. Participants who took part in this activity were internship students from France, students and lecturers from the Building Engineering Education study program. The activity took place from 09.00 – 16.00 WIB. The purpose and objective of the Studium Generale and FGD activities with the theme “Development of Bridge Construction in Indonesia” is to increase the knowledge of interns from France, as well as students and lecturers of the Civil Engineering group at the State University of Jakarta regarding the development of bridge construction in Indonesia. The following is the documentation of the activity.

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