Building Engineering Education

BEE Study Program in collaboration with SMKN 1 Jakarta with the competency of Design Modeling & Building Information (DPIB) & Construction & Property Business (BKP) organizes Teaching Assistance in Education Units (AMSP)

BEE Study Program in collaboration with SMKN 1 Jakarta with the competency of Design Modeling & Building Information (DPIB) & Construction & Property Business (BKP) organizes Teaching Assistance in Education Units (AMSP). AMSP is a form of learning activity that can be carried out to implement the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MB-KM) policy. For UNJ students, the AMSP program is actually not a new program. This program has similarities with Teaching Skills Practice (PKM) which is usually carried out by educational students. However, there are several things that distinguish them, including: 1) The AMSP program is implemented for 1 semester (6 months); and 2) The AMSP program can be equivalent to 20 credits which will be converted into several courses.

Four BEE study program students participated in this program, namely: Nala Saka Ocean Setiani @nal.s Muhammad Rijal Basyir @mrijalbas Baladil Amin @aminbaladill and Dimas Gigih Antoro @gigihantoro. For 1 semester they will be accompanied by supervisors and tutors in teaching the subjects of Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Drawing for class X DPIB and BKP students, as well as compiling a Class Action Research (CAR) report.


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