Building Engineering Education

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Congratulations to the BEE Study Program Student Team that has passed the funding for the 2021 Karsa Cipta Student Creativity Program (PKM)

Congratulations to the PTB Study Program Student Team that has passed the funding for the 2021 Karsa Cipta Student Creativity Program (PKM). The 2019 batch team is chaired by Muhammad Jova Alviandrico @alviandrico with members Pipih Pitnawati @pipihpitnawati2904 and Salma Maharani @salma_mhr . Jova et al were guided by Mr. Dr. Riyan Arthur, M.Pd @riyan_arthur …

Congratulations to the BEE Study Program Student Team that has passed the funding for the 2021 Karsa Cipta Student Creativity Program (PKM) Read More »

BEE Study Program cooperates with UNY Civil Engineering & Planning Education Study Program (PTSP) to carry out the Student Exchange program

The BEE Study Program cooperates with the Civil Engineering & Planning Education Study Program (PTSP) of UNY to carry out the Student Exchange program. This Student Exchange Program is a form of implementation of the Merdeka Learning – Independent Campus (MB-KM) policy. PTSP UNY students study with PTB lecturers. Vice versa, UNJ PTB students study …

BEE Study Program cooperates with UNY Civil Engineering & Planning Education Study Program (PTSP) to carry out the Student Exchange program Read More »

MB-KM Internship Program BIM & Research Department PT. Wijaya Karya (PERSERO) Tbk

BEE Study Program is committed to implementing the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MB-KM) policy according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Culture. One of the MB-KM programs currently running is the internship program. For the collaboration of the study program with the BIM & Research Department of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), …

MB-KM Internship Program BIM & Research Department PT. Wijaya Karya (PERSERO) Tbk Read More »

The 2017 BEE study program student, Mochamad Agung Prasetyo, got an internship opportunity at the work unit of PT. Wijaya Karya Bitumen

Still in the Batch 1 BUMN Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB). The 2017 BEE study program student, Mochamad Agung Prasetyo Sukanto @maprasetyo19 gets an internship opportunity at the work unit of PT. Wijaya Karya Bitumen, placement in the Management System & Quality Safety Health Environment (QSHE) Bureau. Job description:1. Develop a framework of processes and procedures …

The 2017 BEE study program student, Mochamad Agung Prasetyo, got an internship opportunity at the work unit of PT. Wijaya Karya Bitumen Read More »

The Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) implements the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB)

The Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) implements the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB). PMMB is a program from FHCI in collaboration with BUMN. This program provides opportunities for students to channel their potential and explore experiences in BUMN. Five students of 2016 and 2017 BEE study programs had the opportunity to take part in this …

The Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) implements the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB) Read More »

BEE Study Program in collaboration with SMKN 1 Jakarta with the competency of Design Modeling & Building Information (DPIB) & Construction & Property Business (BKP) organizes Teaching Assistance in Education Units (AMSP)

BEE Study Program in collaboration with SMKN 1 Jakarta with the competency of Design Modeling & Building Information (DPIB) & Construction & Property Business (BKP) organizes Teaching Assistance in Education Units (AMSP). AMSP is a form of learning activity that can be carried out to implement the Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MB-KM) policy. For …

BEE Study Program in collaboration with SMKN 1 Jakarta with the competency of Design Modeling & Building Information (DPIB) & Construction & Property Business (BKP) organizes Teaching Assistance in Education Units (AMSP) Read More »

A Call to Serve for the Teaching Campus Country 2021

Campus Teaching is a part of the Merdeka Campus program which aims to provide opportunities for learning and self-development outside the classroom. The program, which was launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture since early 2021, was well received by all students throughout Indonesia. Two PTB study program students were selected as lecturers in …

A Call to Serve for the Teaching Campus Country 2021 Read More »

Keselamatan Konstruksi di sektor Jasa Konstruksi, Asosiasi Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (AK3L) mengadakan lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Keselamatan Konstruksi untuk Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi

Dalam rangka meningkatkan Keselamatan Konstruksi di sektor Jasa Konstruksi, Asosiasi Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (AK3L) mengadakan lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Keselamatan Konstruksi untuk Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi dengan tema “KESELAMATAN KONSTRUKSI DALAM PEMBANGUNAN INFRASTRUKTUR DI INDONESIA”.Tim prodi PTB yang beranggotakan Kinanti Kidung, Muhammad Nadir, dan Mochamad Agung P (angkatan 2017) masuk 10 besar dari 43 …

Keselamatan Konstruksi di sektor Jasa Konstruksi, Asosiasi Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (AK3L) mengadakan lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Keselamatan Konstruksi untuk Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi Read More »

Forum Komunikasi Keluarga Teknik Sipil (FKKTS) menyelenggarakan silaturahmi dalam rangka purna tugas Bapak Drs. Doddy Richadi

Jumat, 9 April 2021 pukul 20.00 WIB melalui ruang maya, Forum Komunikasi Keluarga Teknik Sipil (FKKTS) menyelenggarakan silaturahmi dalam rangka purna tugas Bapak Drs. Doddy Richadi, M.Pd dan Bapak Ir. Marhaendra, M.M. Selain itu, acara ini juga sebagai acara formal perpisahan Bunda Sawiji dan Mba Hani. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan dengan penuh keakraban dihadiri oleh dosen-dosen …

Forum Komunikasi Keluarga Teknik Sipil (FKKTS) menyelenggarakan silaturahmi dalam rangka purna tugas Bapak Drs. Doddy Richadi Read More »