Building Engineering Education

The Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) implements the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB)

The Indonesian Human Capital Forum (FHCI) implements the Certified Student Internship Program (PMMB). PMMB is a program from FHCI in collaboration with BUMN. This program provides opportunities for students to channel their potential and explore experiences in BUMN. Five students of 2016 and 2017 BEE study programs had the opportunity to take part in this program at WIKA’s Data and Knowledge Management for 1 semester. They are Andika Setiawan @andik_aa , Indri Anggraeni @anggre1607 , Adilah Nuril Hidayah Septiari @adilahnuril , Fauzi Muchtar, and Fatony Achmad.
WIKA’s PMMB Data and Knowledge Management Internship Jobdesk, namely:

1. Andika Setiawan
– Making presentations about Knowledge Management portal innovation
– Creating WIKA E-Learning Web Design
– Create a Dashboard related to activities on Wika
– Create 3Ds Max application related modules

2. Indri Anggraeni
– Making presentations about Knowledge Management portal innovation
– Making BIM WIKA Awards Web Design
– Create Web Design Knowledge Management
– Creating modules related to the Figma app

3. Adilah Nuril Hidayah Septiari
– Making presentations about Knowledge Management portal innovation
– Creating WIKA E-Learning Web Design
– Create Web Design Knowledge Management
– Create modules related to the Power BI application

4. Fauzi Muchtar
– Making presentations about Knowledge Management portal innovation
– Making BIM WIKA Awards Web Design
– Creating a Dashboard related to activities at WIKA
– Create modules related to Google Data Studio applications

5. Fatony Achmad
– Making presentations about Knowledge Management portal innovation
– Making BIM WIKA Awards Web Design
– Creating a Dashboard related to activities at WIKA
– Creating Lumion app related modules


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