Building Engineering Education

BULOG BUMN Internship Program in 2021

Program Magang BUMN BULOG Tahun 2021 merupakan program magang mahasiswa UNJ yang ditempatkan di Kantor Pusat Perum BULOG. Pada awal Maret 2021 melalui Pusat Karir UNJ diadakan pendaftaran dan seleksi bagi mahasiswa UNJ yang siap untuk mengikuti magang selama 6 bulan (Maret – Agustus 2021). Tiga orang mahasiswa prodi PTB Angkatan 2017 berhasil terpilih. Mereka adalah Muhamad Attala Andriansyah @atalaandri , Vico Trisna The BULOG BUMN Internship Program in 2021 is an internship program for UNJ students who are placed at the BULOG Perum Headquarters. In early March 2021, through the UNJ Career Center, registration and selection were held for UNJ students who were ready to take part in an internship for 6 months (March – August 2021). Three students of the 2017 PTB study program were successfully selected. They are Muhamad Attala Andriansyah @atalaandri , Vico Trisna Widyantara @vicotrsna , and Nur Aini Susanti @nurainissnt . During their internship their duties include:
1. Vico Trisna Widyantara
General Division of Regional Facilities Subdivision
– Calculating and evaluating the proposed renovation/rehabilitation of warehouses, company houses, BULOG offices and other supporting infrastructure throughout Indonesia
– Make drawings of autocad building design plans / 3D designs
– Assist the administration of documents and correspondence in the general division, especially the Regional Facilities Subdivision

2. Muhamad Attala Andriansyah
General Division of RPTK Sub-Division
– Fulfilling the needs of the Head Office in the procurement of goods and maintenance of the head office
– Build and renovate housing for the central employees
– Design and evaluate RAB in procurement, maintenance, construction and renovation activities
– Conducting surveys and controlling procurement, maintenance, construction and renovation activities

3. Nur Aini Susanti
Division of Procurement of Goods and Services, Sub-Division of HPS
Jobdesk :
– Evaluation of RAB
– KAK evaluation
– Assisting the auction process


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