The search for outstanding students at the Faculty level has been completed. The activity begins with registration at the study program level since November 9, 2021. Meanwhile, the grand final was held on Tuesday (18/01). After 13 finalists took part in a series of selections until they went to school, one student was chosen as the winner for each Bachelor and Diploma level.
Ayu Friditya Wulaningrum from the Family Welfare Education Study Program became a Major Outstanding Student at the Bachelor level, while from the Diploma level there was Andre Ferdiawan from the D3 Fashion Design Study Program. Both of them will again fight to represent the Faculty of Engineering at the university level. In the final activity, it was also announced that the Outstanding Student of 2 Faculty of Engineering, namely Salma Maharani from the Building Engineering Education Study Program, the 3rd Outstanding Student of the Engineering Faculty, namely Yuli Maulida from the Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, the Best Presenter Student of the Engineering Faculty, namely Muhammad Adhitya Dharmawan from the Electronics Engineering Education Study Program. , and the Favorite Student of the Faculty of Engineering, Andre Ferdiawan from D3 Fashion Design.
The grand final event was attended by the Deputy Dean III of the Faculty of Engineering, judges, and Study Program Coordinators at the Faculty of Engineering. The Dean and the Big Family of the Faculty of Engineering congratulated on the achievements. Hopefully it can be maintained and improved. Fighting spirit to university level!