
A. Scholarship information

The following are the types of scholarships available at the Faculty of Engineering:


1. KJMU (Kartu Jakarta Mahasiswa Unggul) The program of assisting in the form of funds provided by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government aims to improve the quality of education for candidates/students of the State University of Jakarta. They come from economically disadvantaged families and have good academic potential.
2. KIP-K (Kartu Indonesia Pintar-Kuliah) Scholarship program for underprivileged and outstanding students organized by Dikti
3. Bidikmisi (Biaya Pendidikan Mahasiswa Miskin Berprestasi) Scholarship program for underprivileged and outstanding students organized by Dikti
4. PPA (Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik) The tuition assistance program for students includes Academic Achievement Improvement (PPA) scholarships given to students who excel academically.
5. ADik (Afirmasi Pendidik) Government assistance programs to provide learning opportunities for students who experience difficulties and affordability of access to education at the higher education level. Especially for students from Papua and West Papua, students from regions from Special Regions or 3T (frontier, remote, and underdeveloped), and students from children of Indonesian Workers (TKI).
6. YBJ (Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta) Scholarship assistance program provided by the Government, especially DKI Jakarta, to help ease the burden on parents of underprivileged students with the burden of education costs to complete their education


B. Scholarship Application Procedure

  1. Vice Dean for students and alumni received information/circulars/announcements regarding scholarship receipts from Vice-Chancellor III.
  2. Vice Dean for students and alumni /Head of Sub-department for Student Affairs of the Faculty forwards circulars/announcements regarding scholarship acceptance through the Study Program Coordinator.
  3. The Head of Academic and Student Affairs receives the scholarship applicant files, lists, and selects to determine the names of applicants who meet the requirements to BAKHUM.
  4. Vice Dean for students and alumni sends a list and documents of eligible applicants to BAKHUM/University.
  5. Vice Dean for students and alumni announced the list of scholarship recipients based on information from the University.
  6. Scholarship recipients receive scholarship funds through their respective bank accounts.